Field Mentoring Program

We have developed the premier field mentoring training program that stands unrivaled. Our team of Field Training Inspectors (FTIs) are all full-time professionals in home inspection, each contributing a unique skill set. Ranging from multi-firm managers and multistate license holders to members of home inspector associations and even BOARD CERTIFIED MASTER INSPECTORS, our diverse group ensures a wealth of field training opportunities. Their collective expertise guarantees you’ll gain the comprehensive knowledge necessary to thrive in this field.

Note: Students do not have unlimited time to complete the course, including both the classroom and field mentoring parts of the training. Please click below to see the course duration.



Additionally, students are required to familiarize themselves with the NJAHI® Student Field Mentoring Guidelines, which can be seen below and on the student’s registration form(s).

Failure to comply with the Field Training Instructor’s (FTI) on-site instructions, N.J. Admin. Code § 13:40-15.16, or the NJAHI® Student Field Mentoring Guidelines during any field training inspection may result in removal from the program.


Per NJ Admin Code 13:40 – 16.6, all students must complete 40 hours of field training, which shall include not less than 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections in the presence of and under the direct supervision of a NJ licensed home inspector. The inspections shall be provided by the school administering the approved course of study. This field training fulfills the mandated prerequisites.

To receive credit for field training inspections, students must submit a home inspection training report for each inspection completed. For licensing, students will need to include 3 to 6 of these training reports with their LICENSE APPLICATION. All field-based inspections must be conducted in the presence of and under the direct supervision of an NJ licensed home inspector. 

Students must complete a MINIMUM of 12 field training inspections to satisfy the requirement as per NJ Admin Code Section 13:40-15.2 (4) which defines a “Home Inspection” as seen below.


“HOME INSPECTION” Defined as per N.J. Admin. Code § 13:40-15.2 – Section 13:40-15.2 – Definitions

“Home Inspection” means a visual, functional, non-invasive inspection conducted for a fee or any other consideration and performed without moving personal property, furniture, equipment, plants, soil, snow, ice, or debris, using the mandatory equipment and including the preparation of a home inspection report of the readily-accessible elements of the following components of a residential building: structural components, exterior components, roofing system, plumbing system, electrical system, heating system, cooling system, interior components, insulation components and ventilation system, fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances, or any other related residential housing component as determined by the Board, in consultation with the Committee, by rule, but excluding recreational facilities and outbuildings other than garages or carports.

“Home Inspection Training Report” means a written report prepared by a trainee pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:40-15.6(a)4, which:

1. Discloses those systems and components which are designated for inspection pursuant to this subchapter and are present at the time of the inspection, as well as those which are present at the time of the home inspection but are not inspected and the reason(s) they are not inspected;

2. Describes systems and components as specified in the rules N.J.A.C. 13:40-15.16

3. States what material defects are found in systems or components;

4. States the significance of findings; and

5. Provides recommendations as to the need to repair, replace or monitor a system or component, or to obtain examination and analysis by a qualified professional, tradesman or service technician.

****Please note that the requirements for a “Home Inspection Training Report” and a “Home Inspection Report” are identical.****


At the NJ Academy of Home Inspectors, our priority is you! To simplify the process of scheduling training inspections, we utilize SuperSaas, an intuitive online scheduling platform. 

Before receiving SuperSaas, students are required to complete at least five weeks of classes. This prerequisite ensures students possess a comprehensive understanding of what to observe and assess during a home inspection.

After completing five weeks of classes, students will be equipped with a username (which will be their student email address) and password for SuperSaas. Detailed instructions will be provided on how to login and schedule inspections.

Students will receive 12 credits and will ONLY be able to schedule 3 inspections at a time. One credit is used for each reservation made.  To log into SuperSaas click the above link. It is there that you will see a list of FIELD TRAINING INSPECTORS (FTI). Select an FTI to see his schedule. Find a date, time, and location of an inspection that works for you and simply click on it. Then click “Make Reservation”. You will then receive an automated email that will have the specifics of the inspection including the name and phone number of the FTI you will be working with. 

WAIT LIST: If an inspection is full, you can still make a reservation, which will put you on a “WAIT LIST” for that inspection ONLY. Should there be a cancellation, and provided you are next on the list, you will be notified. Being on the “WAIT LIST” does not mean you are scheduled for the inspection. You must receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, DO NOT attend the inspection, as you are not scheduled. Those who attend an inspection while on the “WAIT LIST” will be SENT HOME.

CANCELING AN INSPECTION: If a student cancels an inspection for any reason, credits are not automatically returned to their account. Students will need to email, the email must include the student and inspectors names, the address, date, and time of the inspection canceled to receive credit restoration.

Hours credited towards the forty (40) hour requirement is dependent upon time spent completing the inspection(s) and should be a minimum of twelve (12) or more inspections. 

Reports are reviewed weekly and may be subjected to class review for training purposes.

STUDENTS must remember that it is not uncommon for dates and times of home inspections to change or even be canceled. This happens for a variety of reasons and is beyond the control of the school. 

 It is the STUDENT’s responsibility to check daily for changes. STUDENTS must check SuperSaas the DAY OF THE INSPECTION IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO LEAVING FOR THE INSPECTION. This is to ensure that the inspection is still scheduled. 

Please note that NJAHI® does not provide preferential treatment to any student when scheduling field training inspections. It is the student’s responsibility to check SuperSaas daily and ensure their availability for field training inspections. NJAHI® shall not be liable for any student’s failure to attend field training inspections within their nine (9) month allotted time frame due to their unavailability. This policy is strictly enforced and is applicable to all students without exception.



 Complete Training Requirements:

    • Complete all classroom training.
    • Complete all field mentoring training.
    • Submit all field training reports.
    • Submit all page 9’s.
    • Submit the field training log

Mandatory Submission of Field Mentoring Documentation

    • All required documentation must be submitted prior to the end of the student’s field mentoring period, without exception. Failure to complete and submit the necessary documents within the specified time frame will result in the student receiving an incomplete status and removal from the program.

 School Review Process:

    • The school will review all submitted documents/reports.
    • Once approved, the school will update your information in the Private Career School (PCS) IGX system.

 Certificate Generation Timeline:

    • The process typically takes 1-2 weeks after submitting all documentation.
    • Certificates can only be generated after all requirements are met and approved


 Submission Timeline:

    • Submit all documentation to the HIAC at least 1 month in advance to HIAC scheduled meetings. All licensee applications must include:
          • NJAHI® 140 hrs Classroom Certificate of Completion
          • NJAHI® 40 hrs Field mentoring Certificate of Completion
          • NJAHI® Field Training Log
          • 3 to 6 field training reports
          • Certification of E&O insurance (sent directly from insurance company)
    • Plan submissions accordingly to avoid delays in certificate generation.

 Preparation for HIAC Meeting:

    • Submit all page 9’s and reports to the school four weeks prior to the desired HIAC meeting.
    • Allow sufficient time for the school to:
      • Process your paperwork.
      • Generate your certificates.
      • Send certificates to you.
      • Enable timely application submission to the HIAC for review.




 Training Report Submission:

    • Students must submit a training report for each inspection completed to receive credit for all training inspections.

 Inspector Requirements:

    • Training inspections must be completed with a New Jersey Licensed Home Inspector who has been licensed for a minimum of three (3) years and is affiliated with this school.

 License Application:

    • For licensing purposes, students will need to include 3 to 6 of these training reports with their license application to the Home Inspection Advisory Committee.


    • Field training inspections MUST be completed, and field training reports must be SUBMITTED within the 9-month course timeframe, as annotated in your registration form, field mentoring form, and course catalog. This policy is enforced without exceptions. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in an incomplete status and removal from the program.


 Reports can be submitted via email or a thumb drive.

 Email Address:
 Send reports or questions about the field mentoring program to DO NOT SEND TO OR CC ANY OTHER SCHOOL EMAIL. Reports sent to any other email will not be accepted.

 Report Submission:

    • Please email six (6) reports at a time ( Send each set of six (6) as soon as it is completed, and do not wait for Page 9’s or any other documentation to submit them. Page 9’s are to be submitted lastly with the field training log ONLY once all training reports have been submitted.
    • Attach reports 1 through 6 to one email and 7 through 12 to a second email.
    • If reports are too large for a single email, send them in multiple emails.
    • Please be aware emails are checked weekly, not daily.
    • Students may opt to download reports to a thumb drive and mail or bring it to the school.
    • Students must submit the Direct On-Site Supervision Form (page 9), the Student Field Training Log, and the Training Report(s) for each training inspection completed. All required documentation must be fully completed and submitted before the end of your field mentoring training—no exceptions will be made.

 Format Requirements:

    • Submission Requirements: All emailed reports must be attached to the email in PDF format ONLY. Reports with downloadable links WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
    • Reason for Policy: Downloadable reports can cause system issues, delays in processing, and may potentially carry viruses. Please ensure reports are submitted as a scanned PDF.

 Email Content:

    • Emails MUST include the student’s full name.
    • For convenience, students can click on the button below to generate an email for report submission.


 The report’s name must include the following information:

    • Sequential Inspection Number
    • Student’s Last Name
    • Address of the Inspection (house number, street, and town only)
    • Inspection Date

 File Naming Format for Inspection Reports:

 Please name your inspection report files using the following format:



    • 1” This number is sequential and indicates the order of the inspection. For example, if it’s your first inspection, use “1.” If it’s your fifth inspection, use “5.”
    • STUDENT LAST NAME: Your last name.
    • HOUSE NUMBER: The house number of the property inspected.
    • STREET: The street name of the property.
    • TOWN: The town or city of the property.
    • DATE OF INSPECTION: The date the inspection was performed, formatted as MM-DD-YY.


 If the student’s last name is Smith, the house number is 270, the street is Hamilton Rd, the town of Somerset, and the date of the inspection is April 5, 2020, and it’s the first inspection, the file name should be:


 Please ensure file names follow this exact structure to help us easily identify and organize your reports.








 Students should have a functioning copy of home inspection software to use for each field training inspection. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the buyer’s name for their report from the field training instructor only. Any questions regarding the inspection should be directed ONLY to the field training inspector. Students are solely responsible for taking pictures for their reports while on the field training inspection.

 Students must have at least the following items with them for each inspection:

  • mobile device (with a functioning copy of a home inspection software)
  • GFCI tester
  • camera
  • flashlight




This form is required to apply for your Home Inspection License and must be filled out neatly and correctly, following the sample (see the link below).

✏️ Scribbling or sloppy entries will not be accepted, as this form represents you, the FTI, their company, and the school.

📌 Submission of the Direct On-Site Supervision Form is mandatory for students to receive credit for field training inspections and to obtain their course certificates.


It is the student’s responsibility to complete the Certification of Direct On-Site Supervision Form (“Page 9”) in its entirety and submit it to their Field Training Instructor (FTI) for signature.

If you are having difficulty obtaining a signed Page 9 from your FTI, you must notify the school immediately.

📄 This form is available for download by clicking the link below.
✅ The form must be completed in full and must follow the format shown in the sample, which can be viewed by clicking the sample link below.

Students must complete a separate Page 9 form for each FTI. Each form should reflect only the inspections conducted with that specific FTI.


    • If a student conducts field training inspections under the guidance of two (2) different FTIs, then two (2) separate Page 9 forms must be submitted — one for each instructor.

    • If a student completes more than seven (7) inspections under the guidance of a single FTI, then multiple Page 9 forms will be required for that one instructor, as each Page 9 accommodates only seven inspections.



🔒 DO NOT send to or CC any other school email. Direct On-Site Supervision forms sent to any other email will not be accepted.

📅 All documentation must be submitted PRIOR to the end of your field mentoring period, without exception.


When filling out the Page 9 form, be sure to meet the following requirements:

    • The (#) field at the top of the form must reflect the total number of inspections listed on that form. This number must match the number of inspections annotated in the table.

    • Under the Date of Inspection column, the date must be clearly annotated.

    • Under the Location column, the address of the inspection must be clearly annotated.

    • Under the Client’s Name column, the phrase “On File at NJAHI” must be clearly annotated.

    • Under the Contact Phone Number column, the school’s phone number (732) 649-3141 must be clearly annotated.

    • If fewer than seven inspections are listed, the phrase “Nothing Follows” must be annotated directly after the last inspection listed. Any remaining rows must be left blank.


To ensure proper organization and tracking, Page 9 forms must be named using the following format:

File Naming Format: P-9_FTI DUNN (3) STUDENT JONES 


    • [INSTRUCTOR LAST NAME] = Your Field Training Instructor’s last name

    • (#) = The number of inspections listed on that specific Page 9 form

    • [YOUR LAST NAME] = Your last name

    • FORM X = If submitting more than one Page 9 for the same instructor, identify the form (1, 2, 3, etc.)

 📌 Example for FTI Dunn and Student Jones:

If Student Jones is submitting two separate Page 9 forms for FTI Dunn:



🔺 The number in parentheses reflects the number of inspections listed on that specific Page 9 form.

 Do NOT wait to receive your Page 9(s) back before submitting your reports. Page 9’s are to be submitted LAST with the Field Training Log ONLY once all training reports have been submitted. The form must be completed neatly. Only inspections conducted with accompanying training reports may be annotated on page 9. If a training report is not submitted for an inspection, credit cannot be given for that inspection, and it CAN NOT be included on page 9.




 Student Field Mentoring Training Log:

    • Students must fill out the Student Field Mentoring Training Log, available for download by clicking the link below.
    • Students will also receive a copy of this form when they receive their SuperSaas welcome letter.
    • This form must include the student’s name, date of inspection, inspection address, and the name of the Field Training Instructor (FTI). 

  Certificate Completion:

    • No certificates will be issued until all reports, Page 9’s, and the Student Field Training Log are received and properly submitted.

 Submission Format:

    • The Student Field Training Log is a fillable PDF form that must be completed electronically on your computer—this is the ONLY form that should not be scanned. Handwritten and scanned submissions are NOT ACCEPTED, it must be completed electronically and submitted as the original fillable PDF
    • If you do not have a PDF Reader Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, one can be downloaded directly from Adobe® at NO CHARGE by clicking the below link.
    • Field Training Logs are to be submitted lastly with Page 9’s ONLY once all training reports have been submitted.


According to the New Jersey Administrative Code 13:40-16.6, all students are required to complete 40 hours of field training to meet the field mentoring requirement. This training must include a minimum of 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections conducted under the direct supervision of a NJ licensed home inspector. To receive credit for field training inspections, the training MUST be provided by the school administering the approved course of study.

Students may choose to use an outside Field Training Instructor (FTI) provided there is no cost to the school, and the FTI is vetted and approved by NJAHI® prior to the student’s first inspection. ALL Field Training Instructors (FTI) must be licensed in NJ and must have been licensed as a home inspector for a minimum of three (3) years.

To utilize an outside Field Training Instructor (FTI), students must ensure that the prospective FTI completes and submits the NJAHI® Outside Field Training Instructor Authorization Form before their first field training inspection. These forms are specific to each student, and an outside FTI must complete a separate form for every student they mentor.

NJAHI® issues the Certificate of Completion for the program and is responsible for ensuring that all requirements are met. Even when students utilize an outside Field Training Instructor (FTI), NJAHI® retains full oversight of the process and serves as the certifying authority. All Direct On-Site Supervision Forms, field training logs, & field training reports must be submitted directly to the school for review and approval, and any issues or concerns must be promptly reported to NJAHI®.

Instructions for Outside Field Mentoring Form Submission

Download the form from the link below. Ensure the form is:

  • Fully completed
  • Signed with a “WET” signature
  • Dated & submitted prior to the first inspection
  • Forms must be submitted in PDF format ONLY

Inspections completed without a dated and pre-submitted form will not receive credit.

The Outside Field Training Instructor Authorization Form can be downloaded by clicking the link below.  It is the student’s responsibility to submit the completed forms to the school by emailing them to Once the form is received, the school will vet the FTI and email the student with the approval status. Only after the school approves the FTI can students begin conducting training inspections. DO NOT SEND TO OR CC ANY OTHER SCHOOL EMAIL. Forms sent to any other email will not be accepted.


Using Home Inspection Software for Training Inspections

Software Use:
Students should use home inspection software on every training inspection. Reports must be completed before conducting another inspection to prevent inaccuracies and overlooked details. Delaying report completion until after multiple inspections increases liability and does not reflect professional standards.

Software Acquisition:
Students should purchase or obtain a training version of home inspection software. We recommend the 3D Inspection System, with links available at It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the software allows them to create a complete home inspection report.

3D Inspection System Benefits:
The 3D Inspection System offers a fully operational version for 10 weeks and is available for purchase. The package includes the 3D Master Inspector Home Inspection Formset, featuring over 17,000 INSPECTION NARRATIVES & DISCLAIMERS. This software is significantly discounted for our students.

To ensure efficient tracking and management of all Field Mentoring Program communications, all questions and document submissions pertaining to the Field Mentoring Program must be sent to Emails are reviewed once a week, so please allow time for a response. Emails or documents sent to any other address will not be reviewed. Sending inquiries or submissions to multiple addresses can result in delays, miscommunication, or missing documentation, which is why all correspondence must go through the designated email. Do not send or CC inquiries to any other email address.


STUDENTS have six (6) months to complete the required 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections. This timeframe will commence upon the successful completion of a minimum of 5 weeks of classroom training.  This prerequisite ensures students possess a comprehensive understanding of what to observe and assess during a home inspection. 

STUDENTS will receive an additional three (3) month grace period to complete their required training inspections. During this grace period, STUDENTS will be required to pay $50 per inspection. If, after nine (9) months from the time access was granted to the Field Training Online Scheduler, the STUDENT has not completed the required 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections, they will receive an incomplete and will be removed from the program. If STUDENTS are removed from the program for any reason, they must reapply to reenter the program as a new STUDENT. Any requests for extensions must be made in writing prior to the end of the three (3) month grace period and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Extensions, if granted, will extend the time frame by three (3) months giving STUDENTS up to twelve (12) months to complete the field mentoring portion of the training.

To fulfill the field mentoring requirements of the training, students must submit the Direct On-Site Supervision Form (page 9), Student Field Training Log, and Training Report(s) for each completed training inspection. These documents must be completed and submitted within the specified timeframe, without exceptions. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in the removal of students from the program.


It is important to note that we will be teaching you while you are shadowing us. We will be talking with you about our inspection process, what defects we see, and other important tips of the trade.  Please hold onto any questions until the end of the inspection or a natural pause in the action. Asking the inspector multiple questions during the inspections can disrupt the inspector’s flow.  Our field training is designed so that all your questions should be answered during the course of the inspection, so just wait to see if your question gets answered.  If not, ask at the end of the inspection. We recommend that you write your questions down. Also, remember to never ask questions in front of the client or realtor. They sometimes feel it detracts from them and the inspection.

Make sure you dress professionally (no t-shirts with a sports logo, offensive content, etc.). You are representing yourself as a home inspector, but you are also representing the company. Looking the part is an important skill to develop to be successful. If you take the job seriously, then your clients will too.

The inspector may quiz you while you are shadowing, so be ready! The course is interactive!

Learn as much as you can. Experience is the best way to learn how to be a home inspector. Make sure you come away with something new every time. We are here to help you out!

Drone Use Prohibited
Students are strictly prohibited from operating drones during inspections due to insurance restrictions, safety, and liability concerns.

1) All inspections are subject to cancellation, this does not happen often but does happen for various reasons and is beyond the control of the school. It is the STUDENTS responsibility to check the DAY OF THE INSPECTION to ensure that the inspection is still scheduled.

2) STUDENT should bring Notebook, Pen, Flashlight, Camera & GFCI Outlet Tester **STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN INSPECTION PICTURES**

3) STUDENT should arrive at least 15-20 minutes before the inspection is scheduled. STUDENTS arriving late reflects badly on the school, the FTI company, and is disruptive to the inspection. STUDENTS should make they allow adequate travel time. THOSE STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE LATE FOR AN INSPECTION WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.

4) STUDENT should wait in their car until the FTI arrives. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO APPROACH CLIENT OR REALTOR.

5) PARKING – STUDENTS SHOULD NOT park in front of the home. Spots are reserved for the FTI, the clients, realtors, workers etc.

6) STUDENT is responsible for obtaining the buyer’s name at the time of inspection. This information is required for your NJ license application. This should be obtained from the FTI ONLY! STUDENT SHOULD NOT ask client or realtor for any information.

7) STUDENT SHOULD NOT talk to the real estate agents, buyers or sellers unless told to do so. STUDENTS shouldn’t be answering questions about the home inspection while shadowing. It is important to learn as much as you can and talking to the clients about the inspection can disrupt the FTI while on the job. Please refer all questions to the FTI if you are questioned by clients.

8) If a STUDENT needs to cancel their reservation for any reason they must cancel it in SuperSaas. If they are canceling THE DAY OF the inspection, they MUST notify the FTI via PHONE/TEXT and cancel in SuperSaas. If a STUDENT does not show up for their reservation 2 times WITHOUT NOTIFYING ANYONE, they will lose all credits and will be unable to reserve inspections on their own. STUDENTS will then have to email a request to to make a reservation from that point on. Should the STUDENT not show up for a schedule inspection a third time WITHOUT NOTIFYING ANYONE will be grounds for removal from the Field Mentoring Program.

9) A Training Report must be completed that meets the requirements of the N.J. Home Inspector Standards of Practice (N.J. A.C.13:40-15.2.) for each inspection. It should be noted that each training report must include the STUDENTS NAME, FULL SITE ADDRESS, DATE OF INSPECTION & CLIENTS NAME. All training reports should be sent via email to and must be attached in PDF format. Reports that have a downloadable link will not be accepted.

10) STUDENT should follow the FTI’s direction throughout the inspection process. Only assist with the inspection at his explicit request. STUDENT should work with or behind the FTI NOT in FRONT.

11) STUDENT acknowledges that attendance of this field training is done at STUDENTS own risk and agrees to follow safe inspection practices.

12) STUDENT is not allowed to climb ladders or put themselves in an unsafe situation. If STUDENT feels they are in an unsafe situation then they must immediately inform the FTI of such.

13) STUDENT must return all systems and components to their original position/status before they leave the location. This includes restoring thermostat settings, GFCI outlets, panel covers, furnishings, clothes, belongings, etc.

14) STUDENT MUST clean any spills, dirt, messes that they make at the location before leaving the location.

15) STUDENT WILL NOT Smoke, eat, drink, or use a cell phone while at the inspection site.

16) STUDENT WILL NOT ask realtors for their business cards or any other information. The realtor is the FIELD TRAINERS point of contact. The field trainer is allowing STUDENTS as a courtesy to be on THEIR inspection. STUDENTS are not on inspections to market themselves or solicit business.

17) STUDENTS are not permitted to fly drones during inspections.

18) NJAHI has a ZERO tolerance for the use of Alcohol or Drugs. If a STUDENT is found to be under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs during an inspection they will immediately be removed from the program. No exceptions.